Saturday, November 7, 2009

Balti-list! :)

Here's my bucketlist :)

·         Drive a ______________________________ (fill with any car/bike/thing-that-goes-real-fast): C’mon! All men have an inherent need for speed! And there’s nothing better to satiate this hunger than a high horse power engine, either under the hood or between your legs. So whatever your speed demon maybe (Mine’s a Ferrari BTW), driving a real high performance machine is a dream for most of us!
·         Backpack around Europe: The true and only way to experience the joys of a culture so wonderful it makes the arty types at Indian Habitat Centre seem…well, utterly farty! And if the stories about Amsterdam and other European women are true… Hallelujah!
·         Blow up something BIG! : There’s nothing like the warm smell of Napalm in the morning! Research has proven that blowing things up peaks endorphin levels in the human body giving the guy pressing the little red button that makes things go boom, the ultimate feeling of elation – similar to the Big O. But just make sure it’s a legal Boom-Boom, ok?
·          Watch a world Sporting event LIVE at the stadium: No matter how much a white old sardar ji brags about how TATA SKY has improved the sports viewing experience on your television nothing will replace the sheer exhilaration of watching it live in the stadium! I’m talking big time FIFA World Cup, F1 races,  IPL, heck even the SUPERBOWL -if that’s what floats your boat!
·          Have the gastronomically most amazing experience one can have: Foie Gras, Caviar, Dom Perignon, White truffles, Kopi Luwak – That’s the kinda stuff I’m talking about! It is absolute indulgence To get the complete lowdown visit: . You’ll get what I mean!
·         Sit in a huge armchair in a huge office and act out the Scarface scene:  “Say ‘ello to my li’l frrrend!” Yep I’m talking about recreating my favourite cult movie scenes - putting myself into the ring as Rocky or not washing my feet for a month so they resemble Frodo’s! And it could start with making my cinematographer friend “an offer he can’t refuse!”
·         Participate in a threesome: Really! Do I need to write anymore? Inside every man lives the ultimate threesome fantasy. The only fine print here is that there should be NO crossing of swords, if you get what I mean.
·         Visit Vegas: Sin City, Baby! Showgirls, Casinos and Alcohol – all the makings of the ultimate hedonist paradise in a habitat unfit to grow a tomato. They say Vegas is how God would have done it if he had money! And if you haven’t spent a night in Vegas, you’re missing out on one helluva party!
·         Participate in a barroom brawl: You’ve seen Fight Club. And the ultimate in the race to become the “Alpha Male” is to show off your physical might against others in the race! I am a peace loving fellow but once, just once I’d like to participate in a free for all no holds barred dishum dishum!
·         Kiss the most beautiful woman in the world: Ok fine! I admit this one is a DIRECT RIP OFF from the movie… but hey! This makes perfect sense! There is no man on this planet who wouldn’t want to kiss Angelina Jolie (or ) and No… MOM does not count!

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